PINHEIRO JR ADVOCATES is a law firm specialized in Business Law, operating through the counsel of its clients and the defense of their interests, with a sole focus on the enhancement of their business affairs. Our positioning is the outcome of a diligent observation of the emerging market needs, characteristic of professionals with extensive experience gained from large-scale law firms.

The firm was founded by Fernando Pinheiro Jr, who began his professional career at his grandfather’s office, José Martins Pinheiro Neto, one of the most renowned law firms in the country. He formed a partnership with attorney Eduardo Massad, who also commenced his career at a prominent law firm in the field of insurance law.


PINHEIRO JR ADVOCATES is characterized by its tradition, values, and knowledge passed down through more than three generations of respected attorneys. Among them is Dr. José Martins Pinheiro Neto, who in the first half of the 19th century pioneered a new format for law firms in Brazil with the creation of the renowned Pinheiro Neto Advogados. Likewise, Dr. Fernando Pinheiro opted for a more compact and client-centric model, closely aligned with the day-to-day realities of our clients.

Following a more compact format, in adopting this more streamlined approach, PINHEIRO JR ADVOCATES aims to serve its clients and provide solutions for the protection of their interests, utilizing a work philosophy developed over more than 70 years of experience.


Civil and Commercial

In the advisory field:

  • Providing preventive legal responses within the scope of civil relations;
  • General legal consultations and opinions;
  • Various contracts – drafting, analysis, and negotiation of sales and purchase contracts, service agreements, distribution, and commercial representation contracts, among others;

In the litigation field:

  • Initiating legal actions and drafting defenses in all areas of civil law;
  • Debt recovery, both through judicial and extrajudicial means;

Labor Law

;;In the advisory field:

  • Providing preventive legal responses within the scope of labor relations;
  • Aligning labor routines with current legislation through audits to identify contingencies and prevent costs in future labor disputes and inspections;
  • Assisting in administrative and extrajudicial inspection procedures, as well as in preliminary operations and public civil investigations conducted by the Regional Labor Office and the Labor Public Prosecutor’s Office;
  • Conducting legal audits (due diligence) and assisting in negotiations for mergers, splits, acquisitions, and incorporation of labor liabilitie;.
  • Handling labor union negotiations (Agreements and Conventions);

In the litigation field:

  • We are providing private judicial assistance in addressing delicate and complex matters and those with significant contingent value in line with the company’s interests;
  • Offering comprehensive judicial assistance in defending corporate interests in Labor Claims, Collective Disputes, and Public Civil Actions brought by workers, unions, and the Labor Public Prosecutor’s Office;
  • Preparing detailed progress reports with cost provisioning at all procedural stages;

Capital Markets and Corporate

  • Initial public offerings (IPOs) and delisting of shares;
  • Issuance and other transactions involving securities, including Credit Instruments, both in Brazil and abroad;
  • Establishment of companies, including those in the Third Sector;
  • Acquisition and sale of equity interests and other assets;
  • Corporate reorganizations encompass transformation, merger, acquisition, split, and liquidation of companies;
  • Advisory on the implementation of best corporate governance practices;
  • Succession planning in family-owned businesses, including the establishment of trusts and foundations;

Economic and Competition

  • Submission of notifications of acts and monitoring of proceedings with competent authorities (SAE, SDE, and CADE);


  • Registration of foreign investments;
  • Exchange operations;
  • Loan and financing agreements;
  • Assignment of credit/assumption of debt;
  • Documentary credits;
  • Collateralization of credit instruments (receivables securitization);

Intellectual Property

  • Trademarks and patent registration;
  • Drafting and analysis of licensing and assignment contracts for trademarks and patents, technology transfer contracts, technical assistance agreements, and franchise agreements;


  • Analysis of bidding documents;
  • Assistance in proposal preparation;

Foreign Trade

  • Import, export, and customs legislation;


  • Consulting and planning for structuring operations;
  • Transfer pricing;
  • Income tax (IR), state VAT (ICMS), federal excise tax (IPI), financial transaction tax (IOF), financial transactions tax (CPMF), municipal service tax (ISS), social security contribution (PIS/COFINS), and contributions on economic activities (CIDE);

Mediation and Arbitration

  • Legal advice;

In-House Legal Departments

  • Coordination of implementation, restructuring, and training;



Av. Brig. Faria Lima, 1713 – Cj. 43

CEP 01452-915 – São Paulo – SP – Brasil

Phone: 55 11 3813-3150

Email:  [email protected]